The media world is becoming increasingly fragmented and complex. When creating your media strategy, you can quickly lose track of things. From our own experience, we know that companies often even plan completely without a year-round media strategy, even though 50-80% of the budget goes into this.
Media budgets are often burned in various places: Media channels are incorrectly selected and prioritized, target groups are poorly selected, or there is simply no efficient goal setting.
invendo helps you keep track of things and find the right plan for you. You benefit from real media experts with decades of industry experience.
We help you create the right media strategy for you. This is how you can make your media spending as efficiently as possible
With us, you get comprehensive advice when creating your data-driven media strategy and choosing the right partner and tool setup. We help you create your annual or campaign strategy and review your personas and target group derivation. Save time and costs and score at the same time better results. invendo helps you by making optimal use of your media and marketing budget competitive in the long term to be.
Better target group reach at all relevant touchpoints.
Save unnecessary costs and increase your media ROI in the long term.
More insights into the efficiency of media channels.
Independent advice and insider knowledge from our media specialists with a total of over 85 years of experience.
As a first step, we analyse your status quo. Where is my budget being spent? Which agencies do I work with? Where is there potential for improvement? The dedicated analysis forms the important basis for your strategy.
Who do I want to reach with my strategy? How do I differentiate between my target groups? Which channels can I use to reach them? We help you define your target groups and reach them in the best possible way via various channels. In addition, we support you in setting and allocating your media budgets.
In the last step, we work together to develop the final strategy and sharpen the final details. In the course of this, concrete measurable goals are also defined.
“Very good cooperation, both professionally and personally! Both operational and strategic support in online marketing are of great added value for us! Thank you guys!”
- Anna Herchenröder, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Jack Wolfskin
Karo Grüter verfügt über eine hohe Expertise im Bereich Social Media. Sie hat bereits erfolgreich mehrere Audits für namhafte Kunden durchgeführt und zeichnet sich insbesondere durch ihren Fokus auf Meta Audits aus.
Unser Co-Founder Alexander Jentzsch bringt jahrelange Agenturerfahrung mit und weiß daher genau, worauf es bei der Beratung in den Bereichen Media- und Media-Technologie ankommt. Vor allem im Bereich Performance Marketing hat er ein hohes Maß an operativer Erfahrung gesammelt und kann so zwischen den verschiedenen technologischen Lösungen differenzieren.
Dunkelnberger Strasse 39
42697 Solingen
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